
When does the compulsory health insurance pay?

According to article 31of the federal law on compulsory health care (KVG) dental treatment is covered only if

  • it is caused by a serious and unavoidable disease of the masticatory system
  • it iscaused by any other serious illness or its after-effects
  • it is necessary for the treatment of a serious illness or its after-effects
  • it is caused by an accident not covered by any other insurance


In accordance with this definition, there are only few serious diseases in the mouth-jaw area of which treatment is covered, for example:

  • Congenital severe malformations of the jaw
  • Jaw cysts not in connection to the teeth
  • Benign or malign tumours
  • Prepubescent and juvenile periodontitis of children and young adults
  • Impacted, displaced or supernumerary teeth causing pathologic conditions, i.e. if these teeth cause e.g.cysts or abscesses

All other procedures that do not fall under article 31 KVG are not taken over and must be paid by the patient.

Billing : Our tax point value and further helpful hints

Our tax point value for private treatments

The services rendered by our practice usually are billed according to the DENTOTAR SSO tariff. For the applied tax point value please refer to the list below.. We reserve the right to apply charges deviating from the DENTOTAR tariff for certain services.

Dentist: Fri. 1.25
Orthodontist: Fr. 1.10

What does “Tax Point Value” mean?

The official DENTOTAR tariff list of dental procedures includes more than 500 services. Each service has a certain amount of tax points. When it is multiplied by the tax point value, you get the amount in SFR for the service. The tax point value is different from practise to practise and can vary from Fr. 1.00 (social insurance tariff) to Fr.1.70 (maximum tariff).

Example for a procedure charge (Intraoral X-ray)

Amount Tax pointsx Tax Point Value=Amount in SFR
19.2 Fr. 1.25Fr. 24.00

Cost estimates

Before large procedures are performed, we will provide you with a detailed estimate for costs, and if possible, multiple options of treatments (for example: filling, ceramic inlay or crown). Of course you can request an estimate for smaller procedures as well.

Through the course of treatment, should unforeseeable variations in the treatment plan arise, amounting in more than 15% of the given estimate, we will inform you as soon as possible. For especially complex treatments (e.g. total reconstruction) or orthodontics with braces we offer our patients a guaranteed fixed price which is kept also if the treatment is longer or more complex than planned.

When the planned treatment is financially straining and you would prefer a cheaper option, please speak with us before the treatment has started. Please feel free to ask questions and speak with us openly. It is important to find a solution that works best for you.

Missed apointments

We take our time and planning very seriously, and we appreciate and expect similar responsibility from our patients regarding scheduled appointments and punctuality. In this respect we hope you will understand as a rule any appointment that is missed or not cancelled on time will be charged. Please inform us within our office hours (Mo-Fri 7.30 am to 4.30 pm) at least 24 hours before your scheduled appoinment if you are not able to keep it.

Nobody is perfect… You can take advantage of our appointment reminder service. At your request we can send you an email or SMS to remind you of any appointment. Our secretary can provide you with more details.

Pricing examples of selected treatments:

In our practice we put great emphasis on maximum cost transparency. As a specialist practice with high standard of equipment and personnel we can and will not compete with discount offers from home and abroad. Instead, our intention is to offer patients high competence at reasonable rates. Of course, the cost of treatment depends on the complexity of each individual case. A thorough consultation will allow us to draw up an accurate and reliable cost estimate. Here we just want to give an overview on some common procedure charges:

Consultation without X-ray SFR 91.50
Intraoral X-ray SFR 24.00
Panoramic X-raySFR 196.13
Dental hygiene (60 min.) SFR 188.03
Prophylaxis (60 min.) SFR 168.36

For more extensive information on procedure charges for special treatments please consult the relevant chapter of our services.

Do you want to convert the SFR prices in EURO or other currencies? Use the Online Currency Converter.